Pradal Serey or Kun Khmer Cambodian martial arts

Pradal Serey or Kun Khmer

Pradal Serey (Khmer Boxing) is the name of the centuries old kickboxing martial arts of Cambodia.

Pradal Serey is founded on four techniques which consists of: blows of the fist, kicks (comprising of kicks from the shin and feet), blows of the elbow, and blows of the knee.

The clinch is also used to wear down the opponent. Many of its students are of Southeast Asian and East Asian descent. To name a few, many foreign practitioners such as French, Australian, British, Sudanese, and Americans participate in the sport of Pradal Serey as well.

Modern Pradal Serey differs from the original ancient art. The technique and moves of the art has change to support the sport version seen today. Today it has become more of a sport rather than a way of self defense. It is the national sport of Cambodia. It is also known as Kbach Kun Khmer, Sovanna Phum, Traditional Khmer Boxing or Brodal Serei depending on the translation.