5 Basic Principles Of Wing Chun

5 Basic Principles Of Wing Chun

Wing Chun is simple and straight forward. it is based on natural body movements.

Moy Yat
The purpose of wing chun kung fu is to lead you to be free and relaxed. This can never be achieved if you are tied physically and emotionally to techniques. You must free yourself from dependence on mechanical expression and trust your body, your kung fu to protect yourself
Wing Chun techniques are based on principles:

1. Center Line

Wing Chun's most famous principle. Wing Chun's center line structure deflects the opponent's attack through the center. Through the economy of movement, the center line concept relates the ability of moving efficiently and directly against an attacker.

2. Forward Intention

Forward intention teaches a wing chun practitioner to, while covering their center, put pressure on the opponent enabling him to find or create a path with the least resistance, a hole in the defense, to the target area.

3. Economy Of Motion

Wing chun attacks focus on the straightest possible path to the target with minimal waste of energy. Economy of motion is basically about performing the least amount of movement to achieve the desired result.

4. Face the point of contact

The practitioners face the point of contact to ensure the center-line gives strength to forward intent and dissolves. This results in simplicity in technique and economy of motion in movements.

5. Simplicity

Wing chun movements are easy and natural to perform. keeping it simple allows practitioners to maximize speed and end conflicts with the least effort possible.

Inforgaphie from: combativewingchun.com