A brief look at the most effective martial arts

A brief look at the most effective martial arts

Vаrіоuѕ tуреѕ оf martial аrtѕ еxіѕt, with еасh оf thеm hаvіng a unіquе рurроѕе іn combat. Some оf thеѕе styles hаvе bееn аrоund for сеnturіеѕ, while оthеrѕ were dеvеlореd іn mоrе modern tіmеѕ.

Whаt аll оf thеѕе ѕtуlеѕ hаvе іn common іѕ they tеасh a fоrm оf fighting tо their fоllоwеrѕ аnd аllоw thеѕе individuals to dеfеnd themselves when necessary.
These mаrtіаl arts are аlѕо brоkеn dоwn іntо various sections, lіkе striking, grаррlіng, and tаkеdоwn styles, giving реорlе thе сhаnсе tо lеаrn a numbеr оf dіffеrеnt disciplines аlоng thе way. Here are the top most effective martial arts;

Muay Thai

The national sport of Thailand, this form of kickboxing is quite different from Western kickboxing.
Muay Thai is also known as the art of eight weapons. This martial art uses punches, kicks, knees and elbows in forming an attack, it can be very violent. Every body part can be a weapon.
Used for competition, self-defense as well as fitness.
  • Focus: Punching, Striking.
  • Country of origin: Thailand
  • Famous practitioners: Mohammad Ali, Joe Louis, Mike Tyson, Sugar Ray Robinson, ...

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

The founding father of Brazilian jiu-jitsu was Japanese. Mitsuyo Maeda a Japanese fighter winner of more than 2 000 bouts, arrived in Brazil in 1914 with the goal of spreading martial arts.
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu focuses upon ground fighting and grappling and it is mainly designed for self defense.
  • Country of origin: Brazil
  • Also known as: BJJ, Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, GJJ, Jiu-Jitsu
  • Famous practitioners: Carlos Gracie, Chuck Norris, Paul Walker, …


Karate meaning "empty hand" is a martial art in which no weapons are used. It involves the typical kicking, punching, elbows and also incorporates open hand techniques.
The main focus is on attack deflecting, controlling and disabling attacks that come from directly in front of you. If you intention for training martial arts is learning the philosophy while learning self-defense, karate is the perfect martial art.
  • Country of origin: Japan
  • Also known as: Karate Do
  • Famous practitioners: List of karateka

Kung fu

Kung fu is one of the most well known examples of traditional Chinese culture and one of the oldest martial arts in the world.
A great practice for meditation, Kung Fu is defined as the skill or ability to do something. Good for fitness, flexibility, it can be good for self-defence.
  • Country of origin: China
  • Famous practitioners: Bruce Lee, Donnie Yen, Jet Li, Jackie Chan, …


Great for self-defense, Taekwondo means "The way of hand and foot".
Taekwondo is considered the world's most popular martial art: It's practiced in more than 100 countries and has more than 30 million followers.
If you enjoy competition and still want to lean self-defense techniques, Taekwondo is a great sport.
  • Country of origin: Korea
  • Also known as: TKD, Tae Kwon Do, TaeKwonDo, Taekwon-Do, Tae-Kwon-Do
  • Famous practitioners: Jean-Claude Van Damme, Zlatan Ibrahimović, Chuck Norris, …


Kickboxing developed from Thai-Boxing and other Martial Arts influences (Karate, Boxing). It combines punches, knees, headbutts, and kicks to disarm an opponent or attacker.
Used for self-defense, general fitness, and as a contact sport.
  • Country of origin: Japan.
  • Parenthood: Karate, Muay Thai, Boxing.
  • Famous practitioners: See list of kickboxers.


Created in Japan in the early 1900s, founded by O-Sensei Morihei Oeshiba. This is an art derived essentially from Jiu-Jitsu, focussing more on strength, very good at using an attackers force against them.
Aikido also includes joint locks, a grappling technique that extends the joints to their maximal degree of motion. These do not take much speed, but rather proper technique to disable an attacker.


The Japanese word Judo means "gentle way".
It has proven to be an effective martial art in close combat. "Maximum efficiency, minimum effort" is the cornerstone of the martial art.
This is a great for improving discipline and character development.
  • Country of origin: Japan
  • Famous practitioners: Yoshitsugu Yamashita, Charlie Palmer, …

Wing Chun

A chinese Martial art, legend has it that it was created by Yim Wing Chun, and it is excellent as a close quartier combat martial art. Good at the trapping distance where a lot of arts are let down.
  • Country of origin: China
  • Also known as: Wing Chun, Wing Tsun, Ving Tsun, Wing Tsung
  • Famous practitioners: Bruce Lee, Donnie Yen, Jackie Chan, Robert Downey Jr., …